Summary ( group 1 )
Language, learning, and teaching
Learning a second languange is a
long and complex under taking. Your whole person is affected as use struggle to
reach beyound te confines of your first languange and into a new languange, a
new culure, a new of thinking, feeling, and acting. Total commitment, total
involvement, a total phyisical, intellectual, and emotion response are
necessary to successfully and receive message in a second languange.
Virtually any complex set of
skills brings with it a host questions. Let’s look at some of thoose questions.
Decategories are :
learner characteristics
This categorie is about who are
the learners, what are their etnic, linguistic, and religious heritage ? what
are their native languange, levels of education, socioeconomic characteristics?
These other questions focus attention on some of the crucial variables
affecting both learner successes in
acquiring a foreign languange and teachers capacities to enabel learners to
achieve that acquisition.
Lingusistic factors
In this categorie, we surely talk
about what is that the learner must learn ? what is languange ? What is
communication? How to use languange ? What are the difference between a lerner’s
first and second languange ? it is one thing for teacher to speak and
understand the languange and order to explain the system of that laguange ( its
phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences, and discourse structures ).
Learning processes
Learning proces talk about how
does learning take place? What kinds of strategies are available to a learner,
and which ones are optimal ? what is the optimal interrelationship of cognitive
, affective, and physical domains for successful languange learning?
In conclusion, before we learn
about a seconnd languange we have to know first thoose aspect above.
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