Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Group 2

Group 2 :
1. Aswar Ali Amzah
2. Wahyu Ilahi .R
3. Yuni Indrawati

Process, style and strategy
* Process is the most general concept universal, such as generalization and attririon.
*Style : Styles is the more general term, being an individual’s natural, habitual, and preferred way of absorbing, processing, and retaining new information and skills. These styles appear to be relatively stable and will be deployed by individuals regardless of the subject being studied or the skill being mastered.
*Strageries : strategies are the specific mental and communicative procedures that learners employ in order to learn and use language. Every task and exercise will be underpinned by at least one strategy, although in most classrooms learners are unaware of these strategies.

Learning styles
Learning styles is a way of learning that is used to facilitate the students to understand the material being taught.
There are three main types of learning styles :
  1. Auditory (hear)
  2. Visual (see)
  3. Kinesthetic (touch)
Most people learn best through a combination of the three types of learning styles, but everybody is different.
Learning styles mediate between emotion and cognition. For example, a reflective style invariably grows out of  a reflective personality or reflective mood. An impulsive style usually arises out of an impulsive emotional state. 
A ‘’field” in general psychological terms that field may be perceptual, or it may be more abstract and refer to a set of thoughts, ideas, or feelings from with your task is to perceive specific relevant subset. Field independence is conversely the tendency to be ”dependent” on the total field so that the parts embedded within the field are not easily perceived, although that total field is perceived clearly as a unified whole. Field dependence is synonymous with field sensitivity, a term that may carry a more positive connotation.
A field independence style enable to distinguish parts from a whole, to concentrate on something(like reading a book in a noisy train station) or to analyze separate variables without contamination of neighboring variables.
As Hoffman(1997) and Johnson, prior and Artuso(2000) avenues future research view that FI and FD are not in complementary distribution within an individual. Some learners might be both highly FI and highly FD as contexts vary.

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