Group 6:
Isnaini Farida Khilmi (2130730038)
Dyah Nuraini (2130730040)
Nurmawati Kolong (2130730052)
Vita Fitriyah (2120730087)
Isnaini Farida Khilmi (2130730038)
Dyah Nuraini (2130730040)
Nurmawati Kolong (2130730052)
Vita Fitriyah (2120730087)
and Right
The brain is divided
into two parts. The left brain is like the zoom lens. It is logical,
analitical, and mathematical. The right brain is like the wide- angle lens. It is better at remembering social, emotional, and
artistic experiences. Left brain and right brain is processing involve a whole
set of style differences.
Very young children tend to use their right brain
more. Then, as they grow older, the left brain develops. As an adult, people
use one side or the other side most.
Left brain
Right brain
Zoom lens
Rule and definitions
Logical, systematic, planned
Language, mathematics
Focuses on detail
Wide-e angle lens
General guidelines
Intuitive, flexible, spontaneous
Music, art
Get the general idea
In English classes, we may have been
using our left brain by focusing on detail instead of being more relaxed and
childlike. We might become a better learner by using more of our right brain. On
the other hand, it’s important to remember that the left and right sides in our
brain work together as a team. It’s important to know which side of the brain
we usually use more, but it’s also important for you to use both sides of your
brain, depending on the situation.
Reflectivity and Impulsivity
Reflective people usually like to think quite a lot
before making a decision. They need to be certain of the right answer before
trying it out. On the other hand, impulsive learners are faster thinkers. They
usually enjoy making guesses. They are also willing to be wrong sometimes.
More accurate speaking
More accurate reading
Think carefully before acting
More willing to speak in class
Faster reading
Better in time tests
Wait too long to speak
Read more slowly
Slower in timed tests
Less accurate in speaking
Less accurate in reading
Act without thinking enough
Auditory, and Kinesthetic Styles
Visual learners tend to
prefer reading and studying charts, drawings, and other graphic information.
Auditory learners show
prefers listening to lectures and audiotapes.
Kinesthetic learners
will a show preference for demonstrations and physical activity involving
bodily movement.
successful learners utilize both visual and auditory input, but slight
preference one way or the other may distinguish one learner from another, an
important factor for classroom instruction. And style can be a reflection if
not a direct product of one’s culture background, which spurs teachers to be
sensitive to students’ heritage languages and culture in the process of
engaging in classroom activities.
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