Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

group 4

Dewi martila
Meilda lestari
Romy hasyim zahroni 

Process, Style, and Strategy
Process is the most general of the three concepts, and was essentially the focus of the previous chapter. All human of normal intelligence engage in certain levels or types of learning. Everyone has some degree of aptitude for learning a second language that may be discribed by specified verbal learning process.
Style is a term that refers to consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preferences within an individual. Styles are those general characteristics of intellectual functioning (and personality type, as well) that pertain to you as an individual, that differentiate you from someone else. So styles vary across individuals.
Strategies are specific methods of approaching a problem of task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain information.
Learning Styles
Tolerant of ambiguity is a style that tends to be generally. Left Brian style told me to practical, logical steps and to focus only on important details of the moment. Right brain approach allowed me to empathize with airport personnel and to use numerous alternative communicative strategies to get messages across. Reflective enough to be patient with miscommunications and my inability to communicate well. Impulsive insist on some action as soon as possible. Cognitive style is the way we learn things in general and the way we attack a problem seem to hinge on a rather Orpheus link between personality and cognition. Learning style is affective and physiological factor are intermingled. Relative style invariably grows out of reflective personality or a reflective mood. Impulsive style usually arises out of an impulsive emotional state.
Field Independent
Field independent style your ability to perceive a particular, relevant item or factor in a “field” of distracting items. Field dependent is conversely, the tendency to be “dependent” on the total field so that the parts embedded within the field are not easily perceived, although that total field is perceived more clearly as a unified whole. Field sensitivity a term that may carry a more positive connotation.

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