Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Group 5

Group 5
Name : Nur Faizah
Mety Wesmarini
Nurul Ihsan

There are some differences when the childhood learning about second language than the adult. Because age is influence to learn second language, Lenneberg in his book “Critical Period Hypothesis” (1967) suggests that there is a biologically determined period of life when language can be acquired more easily. The period can happen during the critical period (age 2 to puberty). When the adult learns a second language, it takes long time and more effort compared to children in second language learning. Why children can learn second language easily? Because according scientific surveys, language aspects such as pronunciation and intonation can be acquired easier during childhood, due to neuromuscular mechanisms which are only active until at the age of 12. In the other hand adult also has cognitive maturity and their experience of the general language system, it means adult can learn a second language perfectly.
Some learner can understand second language, and there are some learner do not understand. Why is happen? Beside age influence to learn a second language, there are many variables that happen while learning happen. The variable is the material, the room, the methods, the teacher itself and so on. If the student does not understand with the material it means that the student do not familiar with the material that is given by the teacher. Then about the room it means the room makes student not comfortable with the room. And for the methods must be modified to appropriate for every student, because every student has different characteristics. And the last about the teacher it means how the way and style the teacher teach, if the learner not comfortable with it, of course the learner can learn well.
Context means the culture and situations of the second language in the country of origin. Context in this case is the learner try to learn about the culture such as habitually words or sentences in some expression. The learner can try learn in artificial environment because it can be able to learner learn like in the country of origin. However socialpolitcis condition, language policy, and intercultural contrast also influence for the learner to learn second language, because ime by time the student imitate culture that unappropriate in their country. Beside the teacher teach the second language, the teacher must teach about culture that appropriate with their country.

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