Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

group 4 (dewi martila, meilda lestari, romy hasyim zahroni)

learning characteristic
learners need the learning characteristic and learning characteristic have consistently to be consequential, for language learning there are motivation, anxiety, and belifes about language learning
motifation is the some of reasons that learners have for learning a language as well, because language have many benefit for their future . for example, for their futre career.
anxiety is lerners always feel uncomfortable if they learn new language especially in speaking and listening that they don't know before. but not only that they also feel uncomfortable with their writing and reading in a new language.
belifes is one way to approach language learning and learning strategies that they to choose to use in language learning, becauce many language learners always feel too old to study foreign language well.
languistic factor
languistic factor is about learners native language and they learn about the second language. study first language is not to hard than study about second language, becouse is really different with the learners native language.so it is the teacher job to make the learners understand by tecnical knowladge.
learning prosess
learning prosess means that in the class the tlearners will more active than the teacher and the tercher must make the learners more understand with what they learn. The teacher can make the class for example make some small group dicussion, role plays, oval presentation, proble  soving activities, debates, ect.

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