Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Group 7.
1. Atik Dzuriyatul Husniyah
2. Nikita Nurul Milati
3. Emilia Nur Febriantini
4. Robby Zulfa Zulfi Niam
A.    Left- and right- Brain Dominance.
Left- and right- Brain Dominance is a potentially significant issue in developing a theory of second language acquisition.
·         -The left hemisphere is associated with logical, analytical thought with mathematical and linear processing of information.
·         -The right hemisphere perceives and remember visual, tactile, and auditory image, it is more efficient in processing holistic, integrative, and emotional information.

a.      Left brain dominance
1.      Intellectual
2.      Remembers names
3.      Responds to verbal instruction and explanation.
4.      Experiments systematically and with control.
5.      Planed and structured.
6.      Analytic reader.
7.      Prefers talking and writing.
8.      Control feeling
9.      Rarely uses metaphor.
10.  Favors logical problem solving.

b.      Right brain dominance.
1.      Intuitive
2.      Remembers faces
3.      Responds to demonstrated, illustrated, or symbolic instruction.
4.      Experiment randomly and with less restraint
5.      Fluid and spontaneous
6.      Synthesizing reader
7.      Prefers drawing and manipulating objects
8.      More free with feeling
9.      Frequently uses metaphor
10.  Favors intuitive problem solving

B.      Reflectivity and Impulsivity
Ø  Impulsive persons are usually faster readers, and eventually master the “psycholinguistic guessing game”.
Ø  Reflective persons could benefit more from inductive learning situation.
A few studies have related reflective or impulsive to second language learning. Reflective student were slower but more accurate than impulsive student in reading. In the other hand, reflection style was weakly related to performance, and impulsivity always implies accuracy.

C.    Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic styles
There are three style s of learning
1.       Visual : Learners tend to prefer reading and studying charts, drawings, and other graphic information
2.       Auditory: learners prefer listening to lectures and audiotapes.
3.       Kinesthetic : learners will show a preference for demonstrations and physical activity involving bodily movement
And the most successful learners utilize both visual and auditory input, but slight preferences one way or the other may distinguish one learner from another, an important factor for classroom instruction.
Based on Reid research some preferences of her subject were a factor of gender, length of time in the United State, academic field of study, and level of education. And Reid reported on studies that included kinesthetic style with result that confirmed the importance of attending to such preferences among learners.
Research findings on learning styles underscore the importance of recognizing learners’ varying preference. However, teachers must take a cautious approach. Measurement of styles preference is problematic. Style can be a reflection if not a direct product of one’s cultural background
We are as a teacher we should to:
1.       Take charge of their language learning process become autonomous learners.
2.       To become aware of their styles, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses.
3.       Take appropriate action on their second language learning

Group 5

Group :5
Name  :Nur Faizah
Meti Wesmarini
Nurul Ihsan
Left and Right Brain Dominance
            As the child’s brains matures, various funtions become lateralized to the left or right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is associated with logical, analytical thought, with the mathematical and lnear processing of information.the right hemisphere perceives and remembers visual, and auditory images; it is more efficient in processing holistic, integrative, and emotional information. While we can cite many differences between right and left brain characteristics, it is important to remember that the left and right hemispheres operte together as a “team”. Trough the corpus collosum , messages are sent back and forth so that both hemispheres and inolved in much of the neurological activity of the human brain. The left and right brain construct to define another useful learning style continuum,with implications for second language learning and teaching. Stevick (1982) concluded that the left-right-dominant second language learners are better at producing separate words, gathering the spesifics of language, carrying out sequence of opertions, and dealing with abstraction, classification, labeling, and reorganization. Right brain dominant learners, on the other hand, appear to deal better with whole images (not reshuffling parts), with generalizations, with methapors, and with emotional reactions artistics expressions.
Reflectivity and Impulsivity
            Psychological studies have been conducted to determine the degree to which, in the cognitive domain, a person tends to make either a quick or gambling (impulsive) guess at an answer to a problem or a slower, more calculated (reflective). The implications for language aquisitions are numerous. It has been found that children who are conceptually reflective tend to make fewer errors in reading than impulsive children (Kagan, 1965); however, impulsive persons are usually faster readers, and eventually master the “psycholinguistic guessing game.” A few studies have related R/I to secong language learning. Doron (1973) found that among her sample of adults learners of ESLin the United States, reflecive students were slower but more accurate than impulsive students in reading.
Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Styles
            Another dimension of learning style preference that learners show towards either visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic input. Visual learners tend to prefer reading and studying charts, drawing, and other graphic information. Auditory learnersprefer listening to lectures and audiotapes. Kinesthetic learners will show a preference for demonstrations ans physical ativity involving bodily movement. Research finding on learning styles underscore the importance of recognizing lerners’ varying preference. The fact that the learners’ styles represent prefered approaches rather tan immutable stable traits means that learners can adapt to varying contexts and situation.
Group 6:
Isnaini Farida Khilmi (2130730038)
Dyah Nuraini (2130730040)
Nurmawati Kolong (2130730052)
Vita Fitriyah (2120730087)

Left and Right Brain Dominance

The brain is divided into two parts. The left brain is like the zoom lens. It is logical, analitical, and mathematical. The right brain is like the wide- angle lens. It is better at remembering social, emotional, and artistic experiences. Left brain and right brain is processing involve a whole set of style differences.
Very young children tend to use their right brain more. Then, as they grow older, the left brain develops. As an adult, people use one side or the other side most.
Left brain
Right brain
Zoom lens
Rule and definitions
Logical, systematic, planned
Language, mathematics
Focuses on detail
Wide-e angle lens
General guidelines
Intuitive, flexible, spontaneous
Music, art
Get the general idea
            In English classes, we may have been using our left brain by focusing on detail instead of being more relaxed and childlike. We might become a better learner by using more of our right brain. On the other hand, it’s important to remember that the left and right sides in our brain work together as a team. It’s important to know which side of the brain we usually use more, but it’s also important for you to use both sides of your brain, depending on the situation.

Reflectivity and Impulsivity

Reflective people usually like to think quite a lot before making a decision. They need to be certain of the right answer before trying it out. On the other hand, impulsive learners are faster thinkers. They usually enjoy making guesses. They are also willing to be wrong sometimes.

Reflective style
Impulsive style

More accurate speaking
More accurate reading
Think carefully before acting
More willing to speak in class
Faster reading
Better in time tests
Wait too long to speak
Read more slowly
Slower in timed tests
Less accurate in speaking
Less accurate in reading
Act without thinking enough

Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Styles
Visual learners tend to prefer reading and studying charts, drawings, and other graphic information.
·         Auditory learners show prefers listening to lectures and audiotapes.
·         Kinesthetic learners will a show preference for demonstrations and physical activity involving bodily movement.
Most successful learners utilize both visual and auditory input, but slight preference one way or the other may distinguish one learner from another, an important factor for classroom instruction. And style can be a reflection if not a direct product of one’s culture background, which spurs teachers to be sensitive to students’ heritage languages and culture in the process of engaging in classroom activities.