Rabu, 01 April 2015

Group 7

Name: Atik Dzuriyatul Husniyah
          Emilia Nur Febriantini
          Nikita Nurul Milati
        Robby Zulfa Zulfi Ni'am

Language learning and teaching
There are three linked concepts of learning a second language:
1.      Autonomy
2.      Awareness
3.      Action
These concepts can increasing pedagogical emphasis on learner centered language teaching in resent years.
Most of language methodology was teacher centered. It means that the students entered the classroom, sat down dutifully in their table and waited for the teacher to tell them what to do. For example: translate a passage, memorize the pattern, or repeat the dialog. Then, it can make the student passive so that why we need autonomy concepts to discover the value of learner. Autonomy in the form of allowing learners to do things like initiate oral production, solve problem in small group, practice language forms in pairs etc.   The language teaching profession began to encourage learner to understand their own language and way to be success.
The process of developing within learners a sense of autonomy required the use of strategy. according to research on achieving autonomy language program and courses increasingly emphasized to students the importance of self starting and taking responsibility for their own learning.
Closely link to the concept of autonomy is demand on learners to become aware of their own process of learning that is called awareness. Now with the backdrop of good deal of research on awareness and consciousness raising. Language program are offering more occasions for learners to develop a meta cognitive awareness of their ongoing learning. In fact, in US found that learners of Spanish as a second language showed improved performance under conditions of awareness-raising.
Awareness is important but we should know also that awareness without action will be relatively useless. So, when once learners can become aware of their predis, style, and their strength and weaknesses, then they take action of the strategies that are available to them.

Strategies are those specific way that we make on a given problem, and that vary considerably within each individual. Strategies are method or plan that chosen to drive a goal such as achievement to a problem. The field of second language acquisition has distinguished between two types of strategy, they are learning strategies and communication strategies. The earlier relate to input processing, storage, and retrieval that taking in messages from others. Then the latter pertain to output, how we express meaning productively and how we deliver messages to others.
Learning strategies
Strategies were divided into three main categories in learning second language:
1        Meta cognitive strategies : a term used in information processing theory to indicate an “executive” function, strategies that involve planning for learning, thinking, about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity complete.
2        Cognitive strategies: those are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.
3        Socioaffective strategies: they have to do with social mediating activity and interacting with others.
Many studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of learners using a variety of strategies in their quest for language competence:
·         There are four skills in learning second language; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
·         Second language learners developed effective listening skill through the use of monitoring, elaboration, and inference.
·         The successfully teachable strategies are selective attention to keywords and advance organizers, inferring from context, prediction, using worksheet, and taking notes.
·         The effectively taught is reading strategies, predicting, guessing from context, brainstorming, and summarizing.
·         Gender has been shown to be a significant variable in strategy use, whether in learning or communication strategies.
·         Classroom-based or text book – embedded training are two major forms of strategies or we can call it Strategies Based Instruction  (SBI)
·         General conclusions from an extensive number of recent studies in many countries promise more than a glimmer of hope that SBI and autonomous learning are variable avenues to success.

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