1. Akhmad Ivan Fathoni
2. Eny Hasnaul. F
3. Hasan Zainuddin
4. Suhirman
Autonomy, Awareness, and Action
To develop learners to be able to recognize and use English as a tool to communicate ideas requires to guide learners into a variety of strategies they can take and implement to organize, associate and find usages for knowledge about this foreign language to meet main goal of lessons: to speak English.
To get and state in which
learners are independents is necessary make them:
1. Awareness: is to engage students' motivation to learn English and make them understand how important the second language.
2. Autonomy : as long as there is motivation, the teacher gives the students a large of vocabulary to make them follow the instruction, understand the activity, and do the tasks.
3. Action : when
learners associate and perform what
teacher asks for and also use all those resources received to express ideas
about class and although related with other aspects like their lives, likes,
dislikes, styles etc.
it is the specific "attack" that we make on giving a problem and that vary considerably within each individual. there are some strategies to be a good language learners :
1. find their own way, taking charge of their learning.
2. organize information about language
3. tobe creative by using grammar for practising
4. make their own opportuinities to practise language inside and outside the classroom
5. make errors work for them and not against them
6. etc.
Leraning Strategy
typically, strategy were divided in to three main categories :
1. metacognitive : is a term use in information-processing theory to indicate an executive function, strategies that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place and evaluated learning after and activity completed.
2. Cognitive strategies : are limited to specific learning task and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.
3. socioaffective strategies : have to do with social mediating and interacting with others. working with fellow students in language.
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