Rabu, 01 April 2015

Group 6:
Isnaini Farida Khilmi (2130730038)
Dyah Nuraini (2130730040)
Nurmawati Kolong (2130730052)
Vita Fitriyah (2120730087)

Autonomy, Awareness, and Action

Autonomy is a strategy that allows the student to be active. The teacher involve the students in their learning process such as initiate oral production, solve problems in small group, practice language in forms in pairs, and practice using the language outside the classroom.
                Aware in this case means that the learners have to be aware of their own process of learning, to assess their own strength and weakness, and to make them recognize what they could do to be better language learners.
                Once learners can become aware of their predisposition, their styles, and their strength and weakness, they can then take appropriate action in the form of a plethora of strategies that are available to them. Not all strategies are appropriate for all learners because it depends on the way the learners learn the language.


Strategies are specific attacks that the learners make on a given problem, and that vary considerably within each individual. They are the moment-by-moment techniques that we employ to solve problems posed by second language input and output.

Learning Strategies

                Typically, learning strategies are divided into three main categories:
·         Metacognitive strategies              : is a term of information-processing theory to indicate an executive                                                         function, strategies that involve planning for learning, thinking,                                                             about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of                                                                 one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating after an                                                                   activity is completed.
·         Cognitive strategies                      : are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more                                                                  direct manipulation of the learning material itself.

·         Socioaffective strategies              : have to do with social-mediating activity and interacting with                                                                 others.

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