Rabu, 15 April 2015

Group 6:
Isnaini Farida Khilmi (2130730038)
Dyah Nuraini (2130730040)
Nurmawati Kolong (2130730052)
Vita Fitriyah (2120730087)

The Affective Domain
                The affective domain is emotional side of human behavior and it may be juxtaposed to the cognitive side. The development of affective states or feeling involves a variety of personality factors. Feeling both about ourselves and about others with whom we come into contact.
1.       Receiving
2.       Responding
3.       Valuing
4.       Organization
5.       Value system
Language is so pervasive phenomenon in our humanity that it cannot be separated from the large whole from whole persons that live and breathe and thing and feel.
Affective Factors in Second Language
                Understanding how human being feel and respond and believe and an exceedingly a theory important aspect of theory of language acquisition.
*      Self-Esteem
In short, self-esteem is a personal judgment of worthiness that is express in the attitudes that individuals hold toward themselves. Three general levels of self-esteem have been described in the literatures to capture its multidimensional.
·         General or global self-esteem
·         Situational or specific self-esteem
·         Task self-esteem
*      Attribution theory and self-efficacy
If the learner feels he or she is capable of carrying out given task, in the other words, a high sense of self-efficacy, an appropriate degree effort may be devoted to achieving success. One of the most important roles of successful teachers is ti facilitate high levels of self-efficacy in their student
*      Willingness to communicate
Is a significant factor not just in second language acquisition but one that may have its roots in a learner’s first language communication patterns
*      Inhibition
All human beings in their understanding of themselves build sets of defenses to protect the ego. If we never ventured to speak a sentence until we were absolutely of total correctness, we would likely never communicate productively at all, but mistakes can be viewed as threats to one’s ego.
*      Risk Taking
Is an important characteristic of successful learning of a second language, learners have to be able to gamble a bit, to be willing to try out hunches about the language and take the risk of being wrong

*      Anxiety
Anxiety is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension or worry, and it can be experienced at various levels
·         Trait anxiety
·         State anxiety
·         Language anxiety
*      Empathy
Is the process of “putting yourself into someone else’s shoes “ of reaching beyond the self to understand what another person feeling. It is probably the major factor in the harmonious coexistence of individual society. Language is one of the primary means of empathizing, but nonverbal communication facilities the process of empathizing and must not be overlooked.
*      Extroversion
Is the extent to which a person has a deep-seated need to receive ego enhancement. Introversion, on the other hand, is the extent to which a person derives a sense of wholeness and fulfillment apart from a reflection of this self from other people.      


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