Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Group 4
Leny Mutmafidah
Nikita Nurul Milati
Ahmad Ivan Fathoni

            Jigsaw is one of the most flexible cooperative methods (Slavin, 2005:246). Jigsaw learning is one of various style of cooperative learning that is process study with group which every member of group contribute information, experience, idea, opinion, ability, and skill that they have to increase the comprehension each other of all of members in the group.
            Cooperative learning type jigsaw is a type of cooperative learning that consist of some members in a gruop that responsible to control part of learn material and be able to teach that material to another members in the gruop (Sudrajat, 2008:1).
            Type coorperative learning jigsaw is designed to increase student’s responsibility to their learning and also their friend’s learning. Student not only learn the material, but also they have to teach the material to other student in the group. So, student will interdependence with other and make them work together cooperatively to learn the material (Lie, 1994). 
Positive effect of jigsaw learning:
1.      Positive interdependence.
2.      Individual accountability.
3.      Face to face promotive interaction.
4.      Social skills.
5.      Groups processing and reflection.
The obstacle of jigsaw learning :
1.      The student and teacher do not common yet with this learning type.
2.      This learning type spend more time than other.
Two Stay Stray developed by Spencer Kagan (1992) . Structure TSTS is one type of cooperative learning. In this technique students will learn in group and it give opportunity the group to share result and information to the others group. Based on individual activity in teaching and learning the students do their task by themself and not allowed to cheat to the other students.
·         Characteristics of TSTS
The students work the task in the group and consist four students.The group consist of students that have high, middle, and low ability. If possible in the group is consist of different ras, gender, and culture. The reward is more dedication for the group than individual.
·         The Purposes of TSTS
In this learning the students’ activity listen to their friends said when they visit the others group. The students must listen carefully what the host explain about the material. So, in this learning the students must visit dan listen carefully each other to do their task.
·         Procedures of TSTS
There are some step in TSTS learning (Lie, 2002:60-61). The student must coorporation to do their task. After finish understand the material two students will leave their group to visit the group each other. Then two students stay in the group to share result and information from their material to the guests. The guests comeback to their group each other to report what they get from the other group. The group will match and discussion result of their task.

According to Slavin type TGT cooperative learning consists of 5 steps are Class presentation,Teams, Games, Tournament, and Group recognition.
1. Class presentation
            The teachers deliver the material, usually by direct instruction from teacher, or teacher led a discussions about material. At the class presentation, students should pay attention and understand the material presented by the teacher, because it will help them when work in the group.
2. Team
            The group usually consists of 4 to 5 heterogeneous students. The teacher divided a group based on student’s ability and gender. It make a group can work properly and optimally in the game.
3. Games
            Game consists of the numbered questions. Students select a numbered card and try to answer the questions. Students who answer correctly the question would get a score. These scores are collected as group score.
4. Tournament
            Usually the tournament conducted on weekends or on each unit after the teacher does class presentations and the student do group work sheet.
5. Awards group
            Announced the best group by the teacher.
Advantages of Learning Model TGT:
a. Students are more active during the learning process
b. Students will better mastery in the material provided
c. Improve the student communication skill to each other
d. Learning process will be more attractive
e. Improving the teaching quality
Disadvantages of Team Group Tournament:
a. It is difficult to know whether students can solve problems in intellectual or team work
b. It takes a long time during the process


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