Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

Group 4
Leni Mutmafidah
Nikita Nurul Milati
Ahmad Ivan Fathoni

            Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a simple learning method, when teacher explain the course in the classroom, the students have to sit with their pair. Teacher give question and student have to think to answer the question individually, then they have to discuss their answer with their pair. Finally, teacher asks them to share their answer in front of the class.
Steps of Think-Pair-Share method:
1.      Think
The teacher give a question, then the student is asked to think the answer of the question individually.
2.      Pair
After thinking the answer individually, student have to discuss the answer with their pair.
3.      Share
The teacher asks to the one of pair to share in front of the class about the answer or what they have discussed with their pair.
The advantages of TPS:
1.      Increase the student’s thinking.
2.      Allow student to develop their idea or mind.
3.      Train the student to share, discuss, and solve the something with others.
The disadvantages of TPS:
1.      If the students of the class in a huge number, the teacher may difficult to lead the student who need more attention.
2.      Spending more time.

            SQ3R is a comprehension strategy that helps student to think the reading text while they are reading. SQ3R helps student to get the point of the text that they read at the first time they read the text, and teach the student how to read while thinking effectively.
Steps of SQ3R:
1.      Survey
Students survey the text to get the the first meaning from the heading of the text, bold text, graph, and table.
2.      Question
Students start to have questions about their reading from the previewing the text.
3.      Read
When read the text, students have to notice the important point by giving sign for may the students do not understant enough about the text.
4.      Recite
After reading the text, the students recite or rehearse the text that they have read or try to remember it, maybe with rewrite the important point of the text with their own words.
5.      Review
Students should review the text to answer the question of the text that they have read previously.
The benefits of SQ3R:
1.      Require the student to activate their thinking.
2.      Review their understanding thoughout their reading.
3.      Review the information that they get.

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