Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

group 6

Group 6
1.       Yuni Indrawati
2.       Feni Anggraeni
3.       Nurmawati Kolong
4.       Romi Hasim Zahroni

Communicative Competence
                Communicative competence is a construct that has been a topic of interest for at least four decades, recent trends have put less emphasis on structural and cognitive characteristics of communication and more on the myriad social, cultural, and pragmatic implications of what it means to communicate in a second language.

Defining communicative competence
According to Dell Hymes opinion that the term communicative competence was too limited. Hymes referred to CC as that aspect of our competence that enables us to convey and interprent messages and to negotiate meanings interpersonally within specific contexts.  In  Canale and swain’s and later in Canale’s  definition, four different componenents, made up the construct of CC. The first two subcategories reflected the use of the linguistic system itself, the last two defined the functional aspect of communication.
1.       Grammatical competence.
2.       Discourse competence.
3.       Sociolinguistic competence.
4.       Strategic competence.
Commucation strategies that may be called into action either to enhance the effectiveness of communication or to compensate for breakdowns. Similarly, Yule and Tarone referred to strategic competence as an ability to select an effective means of performing a communicative act that enables the listener or reader to identify the intended referent.  In fact, strategic competence is the way we manipulate language in orederto meet communicative goals.
Language competence defined by two, there are:
1.       Organizational competence: Grammatical competence and Textual competence.
2.       Pragmatic competence: illocutionary competence and sociolinguistic competence.

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