Dewi Martila
Atik Dzuriyatul H.
Eni Hasnaul Faiq
Motivation is a key to learning in general. It is star player in the cast of the characters assigned to second language learning scenarios around the world.
Theories of motivation
Various theories of motivation have been proposed over the course of decades of research. There are 3 different emerge:
1. a behavioral perspective is seen in very matter of fact terms. it is quite simply the anticipation of reward.
2. in cognitive terms, motivation places much more emphasis on the individual's decision. identified six needs undergirding construct of motivation :
a. exploration
b. manipulation
c. activity
d. stimulation
e. knowledge
f. ego enhancement
3. constructivist, social context. each person motivated differently, and will therefore act on his or her environment in ways that are unique.
Instrumental and Integrative Orientation
motivation was examined as a factor of a number of different kind of attitudes. two different divided two basic types of what Gardner and Lambert identified as instrumental and integrative orientation to motivation
the intrumental side of dichotomi referred to aquiring a language as a means for attaining instrumental goals
the integrative side describe learners who wished to integrate them selves into the culture of the second language
the importance of distinguishing orientation from motivation is that within either orientation, one can has either high or low motivational intensity.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity itself.
extrinsic motivation is fueled by the anticipation of reward from outside and beyond the self
the stronger motivator is intrinsic motivation
a successful classroom usually incorporate both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
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