: Nur Faizah
Hasan Zainuddin
Nurul Ihsan
Communicative Competence
7, on sociocultural issues in second language acquisition, and this one are
closely linked.
The term communicative competence
(CC) was coined by Dell Hymes (1972, 1967), a sociolinguist who was convinced
that Chomsky`s (1965) notion of competence (see chapter 2) was too limited.
first two subcategories reflected the use of the linguistic system itself; the
last two defined the functional aspects of communication.
1. Grammatical competence is that
aspects of CC that encompasses “knowledge of lexical items and of rules of
morphology, syntax, sentence-grammar semantics, and phonology”.
2. The second subcategory is
discourse competence, the complement of grammatical competence in many ways.
3. Sociolinguistic competence is the
knowledge of the sociocultural rules of language and discourse.
4. The fourth subcategory is
strategic competence, a construct that is exceedingly complex.
Strategic competence occupies a
special place in an understanding of communication. Actually, definitions of strategic
competence that are limited to the notion of “compensatory strategies” fall
short of encompassing the full spectrum of the construct. Canale and Swain`s
(1980) model of CC has undergone some other modifications over the years. These
newer views are perhaps best captured in Lyle Bachman`s (1990) schematization
of what he simply calls “language competence” as shown in figure 8.1.
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